Estimate turnaround time is currently: 5 weeks (without appt.)
If you would like to check the status of your machine, we are best reached via email at . You may also call the shop during shop hours at . Please note that we are still experiencing a high volume of calls at this time.
Below are the terms on the signature form when you drop off your machine:
Non-refundable Deposit: We require a NON-REFUNDABLE deposit of $25 PER MACHINE to be paid at the time of drop-off. This deposit covers the time for our technician to diagnose issues with your machine, troubleshoot and find repair options and solutions, search for replacement parts, and general labor in repairing your machine. The deposit amount will be applied to your final invoice for service and/or repair fees.
Service Authorization: By completing this form, you acknowledge that you are leaving your machine for basic, routine service (unless otherwise noted). We reserve the right to perform a chemical cleaning procedure when necessary and to charge appropriately. We will contact you with options and cost estimates before doing any work beyond the basic routine service and chemical clean if it hasn’t already been discussed.
Accessories: When possible, we need the power cord, foot pedal, bobbin case, zig zag foot (or other appropriate foot) and bobbin to service your machine. For embroidery service, we will need a hoop and any other necessary items. Service may be delayed without these items. If you have other accessories, we take extensive measures to keep your items with your machine. However, we are NOT responsible for lost or missing items.
Storage Fees: We require machines to be picked up in a timely manner upon completion or when non-repair is determined. We will always notify you that your machine is ready by email, and follow up with phone call or text message if needed. Unless prior authorization is granted, machines are required to be picked up within 30 days from date of service. On the first business day after 30 days have passed, a $25 fee per machine will be added to the amount due when the machine is picked up. A $5 per business day fee will accrue for each business day the machine remains at Sewing Doc. After 60 days from the date of service, the sewing machine will become the property of Sewing Doc and will be sold or donated to charity.
Repair Deposit & Authorization: If your machine requires extensive repairs or ordering of parts, we will need a signed authorization form (in person or via email) before we proceed with the work. We will also require a deposit for the cost of parts before ordering parts or performing a complex repair.
Fixing Your Repair Attempt: If a repair attempt has been made by anyone other than a service professional, we reserve the right to impose an additional fee (which will be discussed prior to service). We also reserve the right to refuse service if any repairs or replacement of gears was made by anyone other than a service professional.